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Born in Lithuania,Žilvinas received his theater education at the prestigious Vilnius University. While still a student, he was invited to join the Russian Drama Theatre of Lithuania, where he met the Russian director Yuriy Popov, and later joined with Popov to create the highly successful and innovative Pop-Off Show Theater.

Žilvinas’ most prominent work in theater as a director, producer, and performer includes collaboration with Monstah BlackSubmerged In Blue,GeorgeDandin or the Deceived Husbandby Molière,Madame de Sadeby Yukio Mishima. Žilvinas' thesisEpistemologies of Death, Desire and Disgust in the Filmswas published by VDM Verlag in 2008. His short playThe Cleaningwas included in The Best American Short Plays of 2006-2007.

Žilvinas in Sogmush Collective's productions:

THE CASTLE The Inconvenient Suicides - ASS. #2 - Writer/Director/Performer

THE MYSTERIES OF THE CURIOUS SOFA - Herbert - Director/Performer

THE HAPPENINGS AT SOGMUSH RIVER OR HOW TO BECOME CHIC AND MYSTERIOUS ALL AT ONCE - Gertrúdis Callosidad,Caviglia’s rival - Writer/Director/Performer

on a day on no calendar at a place on no map - Concept/Direction/Performance

PONDEROSA - Director/Media Designer/Performer


MADAME DE SADE - Comtesse de Saint-Fond - Director/Performer

YEARS OF LONGING IN 3 MINUTES - Writer/Director/Performer

THE CLEANING - The Voice - - Writer/Director/Performer